We connect with 7 million women, children and adolescents each year through our direct interventions and technical support to government
We've been supporting deprived communities experiencing multi-generational poverty for over 49 years
We work with communities living in diverse urban and rural areas in four east Indian states
The Child in Need Institute (CINI) is an award-winning Indian NGO that has been saving lives and changing the life chances of mothers, children and adolescents for almost 50 years. Our teams work alongside vulnerable communities to deliver vital health, nutrition, education and child protection services.
CINIs life changing projects are as diverse as the communities that we serve. We support mothers, children and adolescents in the east Indian states of Assam, Jharkhand, Odhisa and West Bengal.
In Kolkata’s slums we are delivering education and public health programmes and making sure street connected children are safe. In the tea gardens of rural Assam we are improving maternal and child health, and addressing issues like child marriage, child labour and child trafficking.
We use the CINI Method, a preventative, human-rights based approach to make change happen.
Harvard University’s Center for Health and Human Rights described the CINI Method as, ” a sophisticated and wide-ranging intervention into entrenched socio-economic deprivations … [that] … generates significant buy-in for children’s rights, shifts in attitude and performance.”
Child in Need India is a UK registered charity that raises awareness of and funds for CINIs life changing work in India.
Our generous donors and supporters fund education learning centres, support maternal and child health programmes and create safe spaces for women and girls.
Alongside CINI teams in Australia, Italy, Switzerland and the USA we are supporting CINI in India achieve its vision of a “friendly and responsive community where children and adolescents achieve their full potential.”
Find out more about what we do below

Our health and nutrition programmes make a massive difference because healthy mothers give birth to healthy children, and healthy children grow into healthy adults. We make sure pregnant women, mothers and their children have the nourishment they need to survive and thrive. Find out about our work is making a difference here

Education is at the heart of everything that we do. CINIs network of community learning centres help thousands of children stay in school and get an education. We’re supporting children in city slums, rural tea gardens and everywhere in between. Find out more about our Education programmes here

Child Protection is about saving childrens’ lives and creating support structures that give young people the chance to grow, learn and thrive. Early marriage, child labour, child trafficking and child abuse have life-long consequences for girls and boys. Find out how CINI is making a difference with its child protection programmes here.

We use the CINI Method to create Child Friendly Communities and tackle entrenched, multi-generational poverty in the communities where we work.
Our way of making change happen is a result of working alongside, listening to and learning from the vulnerable communities we’ve served for almost 50 years. CINI has implemented a diverse array of projects, developed metrics to measure their impact and innovated to create sustainable solutions. Learn more about the CINI Method and Child Friendly Communities here.